Open House at Spot Production held on March 28, 2018, Showing Australia’s First RMGT 920PF-10+Smart RPC+LED-UV

Open House with 920PF-10+Smart RPC+LED-UV organized by the Queensland branch of the Lithographic Institute of America (LIA), with some 50 printers attending from around the state
Spot Production in Brisbane, Australia has installed the country’s first 10-color RMGT 9 Series offset press. Simon Carmody, Managing Director for Spot says, “The new RMGT press has exceeded my expectations. I am very happy with it. A magazine that used to take us 9 hours is now completed in 3 hours.”
Spot is a fast growing company, which started as a small family business in 2003 with 5 employees, and now they employ around 60 employees. In 2008, they installed their first RYOBI 755 and were so happy with it that they continuously repeated their order as their business expanded. Their fourth RYOBI press was a RYOBI 925D from Cyber Managing Director, Mr. Bernard Cheong and Mr. Peter Erskine, Queensland State Manager.
The company is a one-stop shop for fast turn-around, quality commercial print and the 10-color perfecting press was added to cope with ever increasing jobs. “Make-ready speed is incredible. The better quality and faster turn-around time have seen an increase in revenue since the installation. Uncoated stock, specialty papers and yupo are no longer an issue. With LED-UV drying printing is now the easier part of our production. Overall binding and lamination quality has also improved with all stock being free or marking, powder-free and 100% dry!, says Carmody.
Spot is now stepping out to another growing stage with the 10-color perfector with LED-UV. The highlight at the Open House for attendees was seeing the press in action, with make-ready completed in mere minutes between press runs and Mr. Bernard Cheong picking up fresh prints and rubbing them against his white shirt to demonstrate how the LED-UV technology ensures they are perfectly dry.

Mr. Simon Carmody, Managing Director of Spot Productions receiving the memento from Mr. Bernard Cheong, Managing Director Cyber Australia

Welcome address and presentation by Mr. Mark Jackson, Director


Joint advertisement of Spot and Cyber in Trade Magazine

Happy Operators