RMGT has Great Success at Fuchu Open House on January 18 & 19, 2018
RMGT is pleased to announce that an open house at RMGT Fuchu plant was held successfully on January 18 & 19, 2018. This show was prepared for the Japanese domestic customers on the 18th and for the overseas customers on the 19th.

Attendance from overseas, Group 1

Attendance from overseas, Group 2
In the beginning of the event, President Mr. K. Hirokawa made his welcome speech and Mr. S. Utsunomiya, General Manager of International Sales, gave a presentation about the business update of RMGT.

Presentation at RMGT Showroom #1
They prepared three print demonstrations on three offset presses showing new technologies.
Live Demo 1: One pass, both sides package printing
RMGT 1050TPC-9(8/1)+CC+CUV+LD at production shop (to be shipped to a Korean customer)
• Printing Configuration:
Back Side 1 Unit: Conventional UV for solid or single color
Front Side 8 Units: Conventional UV for multi-color
Chamber coater + Long Delivery: Conventional UV gloss coating
• Specifications for Package:
Sheet Thickness Range: 0.1mm to 0.7mm
Skeleton Transfer Cylinder and Air Chamber System: (front side)
Sheet Cleaner (both sides): Made by Doyle
• Demonstration
1. Packaging for Metalized Sheet (t= 0.32mm)
Base white + multi-color + chemical embossing with a back side single color solid
2. Thick Board Package with Back Single Color Solid (t=0.43mm)
Live Demo 2: High-speed printing with in-line color/quality control
RMGT 1050LX-6+DU+CC+LED-UV+LD at RMGT Showroom #2
• Main Specification:
High-speed printing (17,100 sph) and cured by LED-UV
PQS-D (I+C) *Inline Inspection (I) and Color Control (C)
Sheet Thickness Range: 0.04mm to 1.0mm
Skeleton transfer cylinder and air chamber system
• Demonstration:
1. Sheet (t=0.1mm) for High-speed printing at *17,100 sph with PQS-D (I+C) *A high-speed option
2. Plate change by Smart-FPC (Simulchanger full automatic plate change)
Live Demo 3: A4 x 16p convertible perfector with in-line color/quality control
RMGT 920PF-8+LED-UV at RMGT Showroom #1
• Main Specifications:
4-color + 4-color convertible perfector
PQS-D (I+C) In-line quality Inspection (I) and Color Control (C)
• Demonstration:
1. Perfecting printing (t= 0.1mm) of A4 x 4-color by 16 page product by LED-UV with PQS-D (I&C)
2. Plates set by Smart=FPC (Simulchanger full automatic plate change)
Through the demonstrations, customers could see all of the new technologies. RMGT is convinced that high productivity of their products enables people-friendly printing made easier through the operation of automated features and the LED-UV system.
Get Together in Fukuyama
After the open house in the factory, RMGT conducted a Get Together in Fukuyama for more RMGT members/customers interaction. It was a great party in order for everyone to get to know each other.

Party place at Fukuyama Ark Club Geihinkan

Dinner with Cyber Group

Introduction of RMGT management and staff

Inside the party room
The open house ended with a great success. RMGT looks forward to seeing everyone again at IGAS 2018 in July 2018.